Pengaruh Perendaman Kolkisin Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Ciplukan (Phisalis angulata L.)
ciplukan (Phisalin angulata L.) plants. This research was conducted by PT. Asam Jawa
Pangarungan Village, Torgamba District. South Labuhanbatu Regency. The research was carried
out after the proposal seminar which began in February to June 2019. The research design used
was a Non Factorial Randomized Block Design using 1 factor 3 treatment level, namely: K0 =
ciplukan plants without colchicine, K1 = plants ciplukan with 0.25% colchicine for 24 hours, K2 =
ciplukan with 0.625% colchicine for 24 hours, K3 = ciplukan with 1.25% colchicine for 24 hours.
The parameters are Plant Height (cm), Leaf Width (cm), Flower Age Appears (days), Number of
Planted Fruits, Planted Fruit Weight (grams). From some colchicine immersion (0.01%,
0.025%, 0.05%) for 24 hours. The highest average plant height for 8 MST was found in the
immersion of 0.025%, 16.5 cm. The highest average leaf width for 11 MST was 0.025% soaking at
16.17 cm. At the average age, the highest interest was found in the control, namely 41.4
days. At the highest average number of fruits found in the immersion of 0.025%, 74 fruits. The
highest average fruit weight was found in the immersion of 0.025%, 18.35%. So, from some
colchicine immersion treatment, the best is at 0.025% immersion.
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