Growth Response and Production of Upright Bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on Types of Fertilizercage and Sodium PGR Concentration

Andini Putri, Razali Razali, Dedi Kurniawan


This research aims to determine the effect of the type of manure on the growth and production of upright bean, the effect of giving ZPT Natrium on the growth and production of upright bean, as well as the interaction of the type of manure and giving ZPT Natrium on the growth and production of upright bean.The research was conducted in Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Barisan, Karo Regency, North Sumatra from August until October 2019. The research method used in sampling was the Exploration Method.Based on the results, the application of different manures had a significant effect on all parameters. The best treatment is treatment P2 (Goat Manure 100 g). The ZPT Sodium concentration treatment had a significant effect on the parameters of plant height and number of leaves at 4 WAP. The best treatment is treatment Z1 (1 cc/l water). The interaction between giving different manures and giving PGR sodium concentrations had no significant effect on all treatment combinations. The best treatment combination is the combination P2Z2 (Goat Manure (100 g) (2 cc/l water).


Keywords: beans, fertilizer, ZPT Natrium

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