Penerapan Machine Learning Algoritma Regresi Linear Untuk Memprediksi Saham Bank BNI

Novira Dwi Andini, Syaiful Zuhri Harahap, Marnis Nasution


Indonesia has been growing rapidly, one of which can be seen from the economy and technology in Indonesia, at this time the community is almost entirely using machine power technology as a helper of daily life, and the community has also processed a lot of its finances by way of stock investment, with stock investment, the community believes that stocks are invested safer and more profitable. Shares are securities that show proof of ownership or capital market participation of investors in a company (BNI) and shares have a value that is up and down (volatile). Stocks are very important in a company and stocks are a trigger for rising profits in the company.  The rise and fall of stock prices in Indonesia has an adverse effect on companies, especially PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. the cause of the rise and fall in stock prices is usually caused by several things, namely the condition and performance of the company, risk, dividends, interest rates, economic conditions, government policies, government issues or other issues, the rate of inflation, supply and demand. Machine learning tools used in predicting stocks, using machine learning, the data obtained is more accurate. Machine learning is an artificial intelligence that can process data that is useful for consideration in making decisions and solving problems.      Linear regression algorithm is one of the methods used to predict stock data in Bank Negara Indonesia. Linear regression algorithm tries to model the relationship between two variables by matching the linear equation of the stock data to be studied. One variable is considered the explanatory variable and the other variable is called the dependent variable. Prediction a process for systematically estimating BNI stock data that will appear in the future using data obtained from the past. Thus the company can easily find out the stock data in the future.


Machine Learning, Linear Regression Algorithms, Stocks, Predicting.

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Journal URL:
Journal DOI: 10.36987/informatika
P-ISSN: 2303-2863
E-ISSN: 2615-1855

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