Pengaruh Pupuk Tunggal dan Pupuk Majemuk untuk Pertumbuhan pada Sambung Pucuk Tanaman Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.)

Desi Desi, Sri Yuliati, Kiki Amelia, Wilna Sari


Avocado is a plant whose fruit is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Plant growth can be increased by providing appropriate fertilizer and fertilization, both the dose, time and type of fertilizer given, namely N, P and K nutrients which are important nutrients for plant growth. The aim of the research was to determine the best effect of using single fertilizer and compound fertilizer on top grafting of avocado plants. The research was carried out at the IP2TP Aripan Avocado nursery, Tropical Fruit Research Institute, Solok Regency, West Sumatra. The design used was a randomized block design (RAK) with 2 treatments, 3 replications, each treatment consisting of 3 plants, for a total of 18 plants. What is given is: NPK Mutiara single fertilizer 15:15:15: 0.35gram. Urea compound fertilizer: 0.11gram / SP-36: 0.32gram / KCI: 0.8gram and observation parameters namely Plant Height (cm), Number of Leaves (strands), OPT Observations. Based on observations, the average of the highest plants was 29.44 cm and the lowest plants were on single fertilizer with an average of 29.39 cm. The highest yield growth in the average number of leaves was found in the application of compound fertilizer, namely 12 pieces, while the average number of leaves was the lowest in the single fertilizer treatment with an average of 5 pieces. At the end of the observation, 6 plants died, 4 plants died in the single fertilizer treatment and 2 plants died in the compound fertilizer treatment, caused by pests, one of which was brown spot disease. Based on research on the application of single fertilizers and compound fertilizers for growth in avocado plant shoot grafts, it can be concluded that treatment using compound fertilizers shows the best average growth results for avocado plants.


Keywords: avocado, grafting, fertilizer

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