Uji Keamanan Hayati Bioinsektisida Nabati Ekstrak Daun Mahoni dan Sirsak terhadap Trichogramma SP. dan Menochilus Sexmaculatus

Tri Yaninta Ginting, Kabul Warsito, Winda Sari Br Siregar, Bagas Sriadi Syahputra


This study aimed to evaluate the biosecurity of botanical insecticides derived from mahogany leaf and soursop leaf extracts against natural enemies, the parasitoid Trichogramma SP. and the predator Menochilus sexmaculatus. The research employed a factorial completely randomized design with two factors: botanical insecticides at seven levels (P0:control, P1: mahogany leaf extract 20%, P2: soursop leaf extract 20%, P3: mahogany leaf extract 50%, P4: soursop leaf extract 50%, P5: mahogany leaf extract 10% + soursop leaf extract 10%, P6: mahogany leaf extract 25% + soursop leaf extract 25%) and natural enemies at two levels (parasitoid Trichogramma sp. and predator Menochilus sexmaculatus). The experiment ran for 4 days with observations made every 24 hours, totaling 28 experimental units with 4 replications. The results indicated that the highest biosecurity level against both Trichogramma sp. and Menochilus sexmaculatus was observed in treatment P1 (mahogany leaf extract 20%), with a mortality rate reaching 90%, while treatment P6 (mahogany leaf extract 25% + soursop leaf extract 25%) exhibited the lowest biosecurity level with a parasitoid mortality rate of 55%. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between treatments P1 and P6. In conclusion, treatment P1 yielded significantly lower survival rates of the natural enemies Trichogramma sp. and Menochilus sexmaculatus compared to treatment P6 in terms of biosecurity testing. This study provides new insights into the development of botanical insecticides for effective and environmentally friendly pest management in agriculture.


Keywords: bioinsecticide, botanical, natural enemies, survival rate

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36987/agroplasma.v11i1.5628


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