Uji Efektivitas Kombinasi Pupuk Kandang Sapi dan Ayam untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Varietas Lampai Sirandah

Reza Elfina, Santi Diana Putri, Wilna Sari, Kiki Amelia


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main commodity in the agricultural sector in Indonesia, especially in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra Province. Rice production in this region is influenced by several factors, including increasingly limited land, suboptimal cultivation techniques, and lack of attention to the use of high-yielding varieties. One of the superior varieties being developed in Sijunjung Regency is the Lampai Sirandah variety of rice, which has several advantages including resistance to pests or diseases and high productivity.  The purpose of the study was to get the best results from the combination of cow manure with chicken manure for Lampai Sirandah rice plants. Research with the Group Randomized Design (RAK) method at 5 treatment levels and 5 repeats, so that there are a total of 25 experimental units. The treatment given consists of 5 levels of fertilizer doses, namely A = control B = Cow Manure 0.504 g + Chicken Manure 0.504 g, C = Cow Manure 0.576 g + Chicken Manure 0.576 g, D = Cow Manure 0.648 g + Chicken Manure 0.648 g, E = Cow Manure 0,  72 g + Chicken Manure 0.72 g. The results showed that the E treatment reached a maximum height of 56±1.57 cm and the longest panicle (23±0.5 cm). The conclusion of the study showed that the combination of cow and chicken manure had a significant impact on the growth of rice plants of lampai sirandah varieties in treatment E reaching a maximum height of 56±1.57 cm and the longest panicle (23±0.5 cm) while the best results in treatment A and C (66±4.5), number of panicles (3±0.5), panicle length (23±0.5a), grain weight/panicle (8.00±4.0),   and the weight of grain/clump (20.80±15) in treatment E and for the weight of 1000 grains found in treatment C (0.38±0.0). In addition, the results showed that the optimal dose for chicken manure mixture lies in treatment E at a dose of 0.72 kg/m2.

 Keywords: organic fertilizer, growth, yield lampai sirandah

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36987/agroplasma.v11i1.5654


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