Jerami Padi digunakan sebagai Substrat untuk Budidaya Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Pulmonaris)

Muhammad Hafidh Nauval, Taufiq Caesar Hidayat, Noor Fadzlina


Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus pulmonaris) are mushrooms that have become a necessity and part of people's lives in the world, because they are a source of organic food and high nutritional value. Mushroom farmers generally use substrates or growing media derived from sawdust, but sawdust is difficult to obtain and the price is quite expensive. Therefore, organic waste that can replace one of them is rice straw, rice straw has not been fully utilized and also has a low price and is easily available. This study aims to use rice straw as an alternative substrate to replace sawdust on mushroom farmers in Indonesia seen from mushroom farmers in Malaysia. The average yield was 0.03 ± 0.002 kg of oyster mushrooms on rice straw substrate. This is due to the low carbon and energy source provided. Nevertheless, rice straw still shows as an alternative substrate for the cultivation of gray oyster mushroom. No significant values were observed in antioxidant activity and proximate analysis of total phenolic content, dietary fiber content in powder form of Pleurotus pulmonaris growth on both substrates.


Keywords: rice straw, sawdust, antioxidant content, oyster mushroom content

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