Perhitungan Jamur Fusarium Oxysporum Menggunakan Media Cair

Yuda Dinata, Sri Utami, Stella Matthews


Banana plant (Musa acuminata) is a type of fruit horticulture plant that is currently widely cultivated by the community, in the cultivation of banana plants can not be separated from pests and diseases. Fusarium oxysporum is one of the plant-disrupting fungi that can infect plants to cause wilt disease, this disease is the most dangerous disease that attacks banana plants and is one of the most feared diseases, especially by horticultural farmers because it has the potential to cause large losses, therefore it is necessary to apply PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) which acts as a biocontrol in the form of biopesticides to control pests and plant pathogens has been considered a good practice to maintain agroecosystems. This study was conducted to see the growth of Fusarium which will then be calculated using the Koch postulate method to see the development of the number of Fusarium oxyporum colonies. One of the problems that cause inhibition of fusarium growth is air temperature and humidity. The results obtained based on that the method used is able to reduce the population of Fusarium at dilution 106.


Keywords: banana plants, fusarium oxysporum, koch postulate, PGPR

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