Sistem Informasi Jaringan Hukum Lembatakab ©️

Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Perkara Pengadilan Negeri Buntok ©️

Layanan Resmi E-Learning Universitas Buddhi Dharma ©️

Website Resmi Informasi Kabupaten Brebes ©️ - – Layanan Resmi E-Learning Universitas Buddhi Dharma ©2024 Sistem Informasi Jaringan Hukum Lembatakab . All rights reserved. - – Sistem Informasi Jaringan Hukum Lembatakab ©2024 Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Perkara Pengadilan Negeri Buntok . All rights reserved. - – Layanan Resmi E-Learning Universitas Buddhi Dharma ©2024 Layanan Resmi E-Learning Universitas Buddhi Dharma . All rights reserved. - – Website Resmi Informasi Kabupaten Brebes ©2024 Website Resmi Informasi Kabupaten Brebes . All rights reserved.

Pengaruh Pelapisan Pektin Kulit Buah Lemon Lokal Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Timun Apel (Cucumis Sp.) pada Periode Simpan Berbeda | Rizki | JURNAL AGROPLASMA

Pengaruh Pelapisan Pektin Kulit Buah Lemon Lokal Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Timun Apel (Cucumis Sp.) pada Periode Simpan Berbeda

Muhammad Rizki, Elia Azizah, H.M. Yamin Samaullah, Muhammad Syafi’i, Nurcahyo Widyodaru Saputro


High-quality seeds are available for planting, and proper storage is necessary. High-quality seeds can experience deterioration during storage, and one alternative to address this issue is by applying seed coating treatments. The research aims to investigate the effect of local lemon peel pectin coating on the viability of apple cucumber seeds (Cucumis sp) and determine the optimal concentration of lemon peel pectin for seed coating. The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, from November 2023 to March 2024. The method used was an experimental approach with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 15 treatments with 3 replications: A (0 g + 4 weeks), B (0 g + 8 weeks), C (0 g + 12 weeks), D (0.5 g + 4 weeks), E (0.5 g + 8 weeks), F (0.5 g + 12 weeks), G (1 g + 4 weeks), H (1 g + 8 weeks), I (1 g + 12 weeks), J (1.5 g + 4 weeks), K (1.5 g + 8 weeks), L (1.5 g + 12 weeks), M (2 g + 4 weeks), N (2 g + 8 weeks), O (2 g + 12 weeks). The treatment effects were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and if the F-test at the 5% significance level was significant, further Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was conducted to determine the best treatment. The results showed significant effects on germination capacity, vigor index, and growth rate. The best treatment was found in treatment C (0 g + 12 weeks), which achieved the highest germination capacity of 90.30%, and treatment B (0 g + 8 weeks) had the highest vigor index for seed storage at 76.97%.


Keywords: apple cucumber, lemon zest, pectin, seed coating

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