Kelulusan Hidup Dan Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus) Terhadap Pemberian Probiotik Effective Microorganism-4 (EM-4) Pada Pakan || Survival Rate and Growth juvenile of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Against the Probiotic Effective Microorganism-4 (EM-4) on the Contain Feed
This study aimed to determine the effect of the use of EM-4 probiotics (effective microorganisms-4) in feed on different stockings in increasing the survival rate and growth of African catfish. This research was conducted by the Faculty of Fisheries Laboratory of the Dharmawangsa University Medan from September to October 2019. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design, with 4 treatments 3 replications. The treatment consists of the different amounts of stocking density (P1: 50 fish / 48 liters of water), (P2: 65 fish / 48 liters of water), (P3: 80 fish / 48 liters of water) and (P4: 95 fish / 48 liters of water). The observation result Data is analyzed by variance analysis (ANAVA) after meeting the requirements, Subsequently conducted a variety of error test homogenized and use a chi-squared spread with the formula Steel and Torries (2003). The results showed that the different amounts of stocking density affected the growth and graduation of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) seeds. The optimal density of stocking on the growth and graduation of live African catfish is the density of 50 fish/ 48 liters of water, with an average survival rate of 90.66%, average growth of absolute weight of 19.10 grams and average growth length of 9 cm
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