Analisis Kesiapan Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Secara Online Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) || Analysis of Students Readiness in Online Biology Learning of Senior High School

Sintia Putri, Rahmawati Darussyamsu


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan peserta didik kelas XI dalam pembelajaran biologi secara online di SMAN 1 Bungo karena hal ini merupakan salah satu aspek penting dari evaluasi. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian deskriptif yang dilaksanakan pada Oktober 2020 di SMAN 1 Bungo. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Purposive Sampling. Sampel terpilih adalah peserta didik kelas XI yang berjumlah 34 orang. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara dengan salah satu guru biologi di SMAN 1 Bungo dan lembar observasi awal pembelajaran biologi secara online peserta didik. Hasil wawancara menunjukkan adanya kendala peserta didik selama pembelajaran biologi secara online seperti berkurangnya fokus peserta didik, waktu pembelajaran yang singkat, adanya peserta didik yang belum bisa mengelola internet dan mencari sumber belajar dengan baik serta sulitnya melaksanakan praktikum untuk pembelajaran biologi secara online. Hasil lembar observasi awal pembelajaran biologi secara online peserta didik diperoleh tingkat kesiapan peserta didik dari 4 aspek terdiri dari aspek kesiapan mengikuti pembelajaran biologi secara online, aspek menyimak penjelasan guru, aspek keaktifan peserta didik saat KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) dan aspek respon terhadap tugas. Dari keseluruhan aspek diperoleh rata-rata 75% dengan kriteria cukup siap. Kesimpulan dari hasil analisis kesiapan ini adalah sekolah terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi lebih lanjut pada kendala masing-masing peserta didik dan kesiapan dalam pembelajaran secara online, khususnya pada pembelajaran biologi sehingga kesiapan belajar peserta didik diharapkan bisa berpengaruh positif bagi pribadi peserta didik.

This research aims to determine the readiness of class XI students in online biology learning at SMAN 1 Bungo. This research is a descriptive research which was conducted in October 2020 at SMAN 1 Bungo because this is an important aspect of evaluation. The sampling technique was Purposive Sampling. The selected sample was 34 students of second class of the Senior high school (XI). Retrieval of data from interviews with one of the biology teachers at SMAN 1 Bungo and the beginning of online biology learning students’ observation sheets. The results of the interview were some of the obstacles of students during online biology learning such as reduced focus of students, short learning time, there were students who had not been able to manage the internet and were looking for learning resources properly and the difficulty of implementing practicum for online biology learning. The results of the beginning of online biology learning students’ observation sheet, namely the level of readiness of students from 4 aspects consists of the readiness to follow in online biology learning aspect, listening to teacher explanations aspect, student activity during Teaching and Learning Activities aspect and response to assignments aspect. From all aspects, an average of 75% is obtained with quite ready criteria. The conclusion from the results of this readiness analysis is that schools first identify further on the constraints of each student and readiness in online learning, especially in biology learning so that student’s readiness expected to have positive effect to them

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