Skrining dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Fotosintetik Anoksigenik Penghasil Pigmen Karotenoid Dari Limbah Cair Kelapa Sawit || Screening and Characterization of Anoxigenic Photosynthetic Bacteria as Carotenoid Pigments Producer from Palm Liquid Sewages

Ummi Mardhiah Batubara, Fitratul Aini, Manta Mentari Manurung


Limbah cair kelapa sawit merupakan limbah organik yang memiliki kandungan kompleks seperti air, minyak dan padatan organik. Kandungan organik limbah cair kelapa sawit menjadi indikasi kelimpahan beragam jenis mikroorganisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bakteri fotosintetik anoksigenik (BFA) penghasil pigmen karotenoid yang berasal dari limbah cair kelapa sawit. Isolasi dan skrining BFA dilakukan dari tiga lokasi pembuangan limbah cair kelapa sawit yang berada di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan media mineral modifikasi. Isolat BFA yang tumbuh dan menghasilkan pigmen karotenoid ditandai dengan adanya distribusi pigmen berwarna kuning kemerahan pada media kultur. Dari hasil skrining diperoleh 11 isolat BFA yaitu Bg1K201, Bg1K202, Bg2k201, Bg3k201, Mr1k201, Mr1k202, Sl1k201, Sl1k202, Sl2k201, Sl2k202 dan Sl3k202. Hasil karakterisari ciri morfologi dan sifat fisiologi berdasarkan Bergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology menunjukkan bahwa dari kesebelas isolat BFA didapatkan 2 jenis genus BFA yang tergolong gram negatif dan memiliki pigmen karotenoid yaitu genus Rhodobacter (Bg1k201, Bg1k202, Bg3k201, Sl1k201, Sl1k202, Sl2k201, Sl2k202 dan, Sl3k202) dan genus Rhodopseudomonas (Bg2k201, Mr1k201 dan Mr1k202).

Palm liquid sewage is organic waste that contains complex compounds such as water, oil, and organic solids. The organic content of palm liquid sewages is an indication of the abundance of microorganisms. This study aims to obtain anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria (BFA) that produce carotenoid pigments from palm liquid sewages. Therefore, We isolated and screened of BFA from three palm liquid sewage disposal sites in Jambi Province. This research was conducted by an experimental method using a modified mineral medium. BFA isolates that growth and produced carotenoid pigments are visible because of the distribution of reddish-yellow pigments on the culture media. Screening results obtained 11 isolates of BFA sequentially Bg1K201, Bg1K202, Bg2k201, Bg3k201, Mr1k201, Mr1k202, Sl1k201, Sl1k202, Sl2k201, Sl2k202 and Sl3k202. The results of morphological and physiological characterization based on the Bergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology show that there are two types of BFA genera that have carotenoid pigments, respectively, the genus Rhodobacter (Bg1k201, Bg1k202, Bg3k201, Sl1k201, Sl1k202, and Sl1k202, and Sl2k202, and Sl1k202, and Sl2k202, and Sl1k202 and Sl2k202, and Sl2k202, and Sl2k202. Sl2k202, and) the genus Rhodopseudomonas (Bg2k201, Mr1k201 and Mr1k202).

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