Augmented Reality Media Development for Human Digestive Material to Afford The Learn Motivation of High School Student on SMA Kartika I-2 Medan

Khairunna Abdilla, Efrida Pima Sari Tambunan


Initial observations showed an average learning outcome of 53.35. plus information that so far there has been no technology-based learning media to support learning learning for biology subjects about the human digestive system. this study aims to develop Augmented Reality learning media, especially in learning biology on the material of the digestive system in humans.  This research uses research and development methods with the Four-D (4D) model. This research produces augmented reality media on the human digestive system to measure student motivation at SMA Kartika I-2 Medan. The results of validation by material experts show 93.5% with very feasible criteria, while for media experts the results are 96.25% with very feasible criteria.  So that this augmented reality media can be used in the learning process.  The results of augmented reality media research conducted by teachers get the results of 92.5% with very practical criteria. The results of the augmented reality media trial conducted on students obtained a score of 90.4% with very practical criteria. The results of the effectiveness test of augmented reality media obtained a result of 86.5% with effective criteria. For the results of student learning motivation, the score is 94.50%. So that the augmented reality media developed is considered practical and effective in the biology learning process.


Augmented reality, Motivation, Digestive system


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