In this informed consent, many patients do not know the extent of their rights as recipients of health services, and hospitals and doctors as health service providers are obliged to carry out their obligations for the benefit of patients. As a patient should also accept the advice given by the doctor. The relationship between doctor and patient arises when the patient first comes with the intention of seeking help. From that moment on, what is meant by Informed Consent, namely the arrival of a patient, which means he has given confidence to the doctor, automatically implants an attitude that aims to prioritize the health of his patient. The relationship between the doctor and the patient is a special bond, but the patient has the right to decide whether or not the doctor may continue the relationship. It depends on what information the patient gets about the doctor's actions.
In the legal aspect, informed consent is regulated in Law No. 29 of 2004 concerning medical practice, which states that "every medical or dental action that will be carried out by a doctor or dentist on a patient must obtain approval". Application of informed consent for emergency patients At the Ambarawa Regional General Hospital, an illustration was obtained that from two doctors, two nurses and one medical record officer explained that if at the time the patient was in an emergency situation but was still conscious before being given medical action, there were several documents that had to be filled out by the patient/family. /government agency responsible for patient selfFull Text:
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