This study aims to examine and analyze the role of organizational culture in moderating the effect of professional competence and organizational commitment on teacher performance at SMK Negeri 1 Kedungwuni, Pekalongan Regency. This study with a population of 100 teachers, namely all teachers of SMK Negeri 1 Kedungwuni, Pekalongan districts. The data collection technique used survey methods and the research instrument used a questionnaire with a Likert scale 5. The instrument test was carried out with validity tests through CFA, reliability tests, normality tests, heteroscedasticity tests, and model tests (F test, R-square and sig). Test the hypothesis with quasi-regression analysis, interaction technique by looking at the sig value. The results show that professional competence does not have a positive effect on teacher performance, organizational commitment has a positive effect on teacher performance, organizational culture has a positive effect on teacher performance, organizational culture strengthens professional competence on teacher performance and organizational culture moderates the effect of professional competence has a positive effect on teacher performance in SMK N 1 Kedungwuni, Pekalongan districts, at sig level 0.10, organizational culture strengthens organizational commitment to teacher performance, meaning that organizational culture moderates organizational commitment and has a positive effect on teacher performance at SMK N 1 Kedungwuni, Pekalongan districts.
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