Tri Tarwiyani, Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Monika Sari, Fitri Yanti, Novita Mandasari Hutagaol, M. Pratama Argadinata, Ruslan Ruslan


Purpose—Curriculum changes in Indonesia, which often feel far from the values and cultural roots of Indonesian society and tend to be Western, can impact the erosion of the noble values of the Indonesian nation. This research aims to explore the values that exist in the literary works of the Malay community, which in this case are found in Pantun, Tunjuk Ajar, and Gurindam.

Methodology—This research is a literature study. Library research involves collecting library data, reading, taking notes, and processing data from the reading results.

Findings – 1. Malay people who identify themselves with Islam indirectly use Islamic values as the reference and highest value system. Education in Malay society aims to create a perfect human who upholds all the norms held by Malay society. Perfect people in Malay society are called “bertuah”.2. Creating a person “bertuah” is the duty of all members of society, especially parents. Meanwhile, the tools and means include literary works, songs, and advice. Malay society focuses more on cultivating religious values, such as religious knowledge. Therefore, education, in this case, is more aimed at creating a character- characteristics possessed by people “bertuah." 3. If linked to one of the schools of educational philosophy, the concept of education in the view of the Malay community can be said to tend to be behavioralistic, where stimulus is an important thing in the success of education and the creation of one's character.

Significance—By revealing the concept of education for the Malay community, it will open up new treasures related to education.


Keywords: Philosophy, Manusia Bertuah, Malay, Education

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