Hema Malini, Nurtanio Agus Purwanto, Fabiola Lagarens, Asrin Asrin


Purpose: This study aims to determine the leadership of school principals, including (1) leadership roles, (2) innovations, and (3) supporting and inhibiting factors of school principals' leadership in elementary-mover schools in Yogyakarta city.

Methodology: This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data sources in this study were primary data obtained directly by researchers and secondary data obtained directly from existing sources. Data collection techniques and instruments are observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data validity testing techniques used are credibility testing, dependability testing, transferability testing, and confirmability testing. The. The data analysis used are analyses from Miles and and M.W. Huberman. 

Finding: The results of this study indicate that the principal's leadership role in the implementation of driving schools is to develop teacher competence through workshops, seminars, and the use of technology, as well as collaboration with parents of students in supporting all school activities. The principal's leadership innovations include creating millennial and qur'an programs, digital classes, student exchange programs, and five pleco lights. The supporting factors of the principal's leadership include managerial ability, communication, integrity and excellence, democracy, ability to manage conflict, ability to motivate, exceptional attention to teachers, high discipline, open communication, supervision and evaluation, support from parents of students, and adequate school facilities. The inhibiting factors of the principal's leadership include the lack of understanding of some senior teachers in applying new technology, thus inhibiting the school from becoming a creative and innovative school.

Significance—This approach also provides a reference for modeling the principal's leadership innovations and contributes to the quality of education.

Keywords : Principal leadership, Elementary school, Mover school

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