Perbedaan Pemberian Kapur Dan Dolomit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Miselium Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex. Fr) Kummer) || Differences of Giving Calcite And Dolomite To The Myselium Growth White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex. Fr) Kummer)
White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex. Fr) Kummer) is a type of wood fungus that has a higher nutrient content than other types of mushrooms and is in great demand in Indonesia. For the growth of oyster mushroom mycelium, Calcite and dolomite are used. Dolomite and Calcite have the ability to accelerate mold growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the correct dose of Calcite and dolomite for the growth of mycelium white oyster mushrooms. This research was conducted at the Medan Oyster Mushroom Joint Venture, North Sumatra using F2 seeds from oyster mushrooms obtained from the research location. This study used an experimental method with 2 studies with research I (namely the effect of lime treatment) and research II (the effect of dolomite treatment) with 4 treatments and 6 replications respectively.10 grams of Calcite and 30 grams of dolomite is the optimum dose for the growth of white oyster mushroom mycelium
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