Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Project Based Learning on Science Process Skills

Muhammad Wahyu Setiyadi, A.A.Istri Agung Rai Sudiatmika, Ketut Suma, Nyoman Suardana


This study aims to examine the effect of the Project-based Learning model on biological science process skills with meta-analysis methods. This research used a method in the form of a meta-analysis. The research population is in the form of scientific articles that have been published in national and international journals about the use of the Project-based learning model that has been published in the last 10 years. The sample used is a project-based learning scientific article on science process skills in biology learning.  Based on the meta-analytical calculations above, it can be concluded that there is a relationship from all articles that measure the influence of the project-based learning model on science process skills, where the p value of < 0.002 means that the analysis is significant with sig. 0.05 and I^2 of 94.508% show that learning using the project-based learning model has a very large influence on science process skills


project based learning, process science skills, meta analysis

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