Pitriyani, Pitriyani


Customer Loyalty is customer commitment toward a registered, services or suppliers
(Company), based on a very positive attitude and reflected in the re-purchase consistent.
Customer Loyalty can be affected by many factors including the quality of service and price.
The object of this research is the Permata Land Rantauprapat Hotel. The purpose of this
research is to analyze the influence of service quality and price of customer loyalty in the Hotel
Precious Land Rantauprapat . The population in this research is the consumers who stay in
Hotel Permata Land Rantauprapat . The sample in this research is 98 respondents. The type
of data is the primary. Data collection method using questionnaires. The analysis techniques
used is multiple regression. The results of multiple regression analysis between the quality of
service to the customer loyalty get the positive results of 0.035 hkd and from the results of the
hypothesis test using test - t shows the results of a significant number of 10.532 and sig. 0,003
<a = 0.05. The results of multiple regression analysis between the price of consumer
satisfaction obtain positive results of 0,734 and from the results of the hypothesis test using test
– t shows the results of a significant number of 11.583 and sig. 0,000 <a = 0.05. This can be
concluded that the quality of service and prices have positive and significant impact on
customer loyalty

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Wahyu Nugroho, “Loyalitas Konsumenâ€, artikel ini diakses pada 30 Januari 2014 dari



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