ECOBISMA (Journal of Economics, Business and Management) is published every two years, namely in January and June, by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Labuhanbatu. ECOBISMA (Journal of Economics, Business and Management) aims to:
1. Publish the results of the latest research in the fields of Economics, Business, Management and or Entrepreneurship.
2. Publish only research results in the field of Economics (such as Macro / Micro related to Economics and Business). Management (such as Marketing Management, Financial Management, Personnel Management, Operations / Production Management, Business Management, etc.) and or Digital Marketing, Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship as scientific development.
ECOBISMA accepts papers with the above objectives and scope. The editorial board decides which papers will be published in ECOBISMA after being reviewed by designated reviewers (double blind review). Authors will be notified of comments and suggestions from the reviewers. ECOBISMA (Journal of Economics, Business and Management) (p-ISSN: 2477-6092 and e-ISSN: 2620-3391) is an Open Access Journal, which can be accessed and read for free on the Internet.
Vol 12, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Lasma Ria Tampubolon, Lasma Ria Tampubolon
Winda Ardiani, Sunaryo Sunaryo, Amanda Azzahra
Andri Irawan, Muhdi B.Hi Ibrahim, Entis Sutisna, Laode Marihi
Lyan Jeheo, Edi Hamdi, Dimas Angga Negoro, Ketut Sunaryanto
Mochamad Dimas Arifin, Maureta Dinda Talia, NUR HIDAYAH, Bintang Pramudya Wardani
Devi Safitri, Nanto Purnomo
Henra Ceisario, Ari Anggarani Tyas
Pristiyono Pristiyono, Muhammad Ikhlash, Sudi Suryadi